Friday, January 30, 2009


Garden rants and dislikes! AND WHAT What AM I? -- Picture

Slugs and snails. Some countries have thrushes that eat them, we do not, but snakes do eat slugs.

Gnomes and resin animals
Plastic pink flamingos. If one does this one should do it with panache. On a cold winter day, bring out the beach umbrella, the drinks and sit in your lounge chair watching your flamingos. This is especially good if your lawn faces a busy road.

Mood balls -- I just hate the way they reflect my face when I gaze into them.

Badly pruned trees.
Root Weevils
-- I just hate bugs that are underfoot. Rotten Sulkers.
Moles, gophers and Mt.Beavers. They resemble marmots, but actually will climb up a tree (including HOLLY) and simply eat the limbs off and return to their holes. In one day they can destroy a huge Rhododendron. The upside being they make great PELTS! Same for moles, their pelts make great toupee material.

Pesticide/Herbicide Abuse: Gardeners who are so bloody stupid when spraying pesticides. Not wearing gloves, long sleeves and spraying it in the wind so the neighbor next door gets the drift.

Gratuitous moundaging and the overuse plastic ground tarp --add bad rock work!

Plant thieves. My nursery has been stolen from three times. All from fellow landscapers and more likely Nurseries to be. They were full truckloads of my stock plants. Arboretums and neighborhood garden clubs have also been stolen from. For shame!

On a lighter note, in England a man stole a Monkey-puzzle tree from a block down the road. The police recovered it after following the dirt and wheel prints that his dolly left behind. Oh, the added clue was the blood trail he left behind, so punctured was he from the theft.

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